If you are thinking that maybe a florist delivery will cheer up a friend or convey that you are thinking about someone, go ahead and send it.
If you are thinking that maybe a florist delivery will cheer up a friend or convey that you are thinking about someone, go ahead and send it. According to a recent study by Rutgers University, the link between fresh flowers from a florist delivery, and happiness is a lot greater than we thought.
Rutgers University is not the only university that has done studies about the link between flowers and health benefits. Other universities have also been releasing their findings as well to support the link between flowers and good health. Florists have known all along what the study has confirmed. Flowers are important to our mental well being and can even provide some health benefits just by being in our home.
Flowers from a florist delivery are scientifically proven to relieve stress. The University of Florida’s Department of Public Health released a study that showed people who have flowers in their homes report fewer feelings of stress. The physical response to stress is linked as a potential cause to a wide range of diseases and conditions.
We know that is important to recognize special occasions with flowers from a floral shop, but we could all do with a little Vitamin F. The best flowers shops offer options that are likened to taking a “happy pill” supplement.
The Rutgers University study found that flowers in the home (or the office) can help to make people feel emotionally connected to others. They can reduce feelings of anxiety and loneliness. Harvard University’s study came to the same conclusions about a florist delivery of fresh flowers and a reduction in anxious feelings.
Fresh flowers make us feel more connected to people. The studies also found that fresh flowers helped people to feel more compassionate toward other people. Just being in the same room with flowers improves moods and outlooks.
A happy staff is a productive staff according to a recent study by Texas A&M University. The study revealed that flowers in the workplace helped to improve creativity and improved problem-solving skills among employees.
When you place that order for a florist delivery you are not only sending a wave of happiness you are sending a chance at better health. Don’t wait until there is an occasion, send flowers today to the people that matter in your life. About 50% of florist floral shop sales are attributed to non-holiday sales because people are catching on to how valuable a florist delivery can really be to someone’s good physical and mental health.
Order today from the best florist Tulsa OK has to offer.
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